HypnoCollege in Europe

Welcome to HypnoCollege.
We supply high end hypnotherapy education to beginners and advanced hypnotherapists all over the world.

Four major areas of hypnosis education:

    • Basic hypnosis and therapy certification training
      Certification classes under National Guild of Hypnotists – (NGH)
      and Skandinavisk Akademi for Hypnose og Hypnoterapi (SAHH)
    • Pain Management Advanced classes
      “HypnoPills™” pain management – Learn how to LOWER or REMOVE pain from chronic pain clients using hypnotherapy and “Train the Brain” sessions.
      Looking at aspects from Dr. Escudero (NoEsiTherapy) (Spain), Dr. John Butler (UK), Ron Eslinger (USA) and many more great therapists, Doctors and trainers around the world.
      Putting it together in a easy to use and follow protocol called “HypnoPill’s™”
    • Instant Inductions
      Learn how to use instant inductions in the hypnosis clinic, speeding up the therapy session, leaving you with more therapy time with your client. End result; Much better session results, more confidence in your self, and clients rapport much deeper hypnosis experience after the session.
      You will learn to do standing, sitting, laying instant inductions, with safety as one of the major focus points.
      Come and learn to do hypnosis ULTRA FAST….
    • Past life regression
      Metaphysical hypnosis spreads around the world these days – faster then ever before.
      Gerald Keins “Ultra High” hypnosis, is one of the most innovative hypnosis forms we see in the clinics around the world now, and with good reason. Ultra High provides a content free form of hypnosis that makes remarkable results.
      This class will look at Ultra High as a technique, but the major focus IS past life hypnosis Inductions, deepening techniques, non guiding questioning, session build up and much much more.
      If you client are spiritual you will miss out of helping them if you wont go, where the clients mind goes.


At the moment we are building our international website – and this page is merely a short overview of what to expect from HypnoCollege.
Much more is on the way – Thank you for your patients.